Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, October 24, 2014

Call Bullshit

We're stuck in a Supply-Side nightmare.  We know these nutball "conservatives" have failed to deliver on any of the promised awesomeness.  We know their policies of Austerity and Free Market Magic and everybody's-a-millionaire-in-waiting are just sun-shiny-happy-talk bullshit designed to get you to help them make their big money contributors a little richer while blaming you for their failure when you find out you're not quite able to make the thing  work for you when it's not supposed to work for you in the first fuckin' place - and somehow we're still looking at another possible Repub win next month in the mid-terms.
That word, "experiment," has come to haunt Brownback as the data rolls in. The governor promised his "pro-growth tax policy" would act "like a shot of adrenaline in the heart of the Kansas economy," but, instead, state revenues plummeted by nearly $700 million in a single fiscal year, both Moody's and Standard & Poor's downgraded the state's credit rating, and job growth sagged behind all four of Kansas' neighbors. Brownback wound up nixing a planned sales-tax cut to make up for some of the shortfall, but not before he'd enacted what his opponents call the largest cuts in education spending in the history of Kansas.
Brownback hardly stands alone among the class of Republican governors who managed to get themselves elected four years ago as part of the anti-Obama Tea Party wave by peddling musty supply-side fallacies. In Ohio, Gov. John Kasich – whose press releases claim he's wrought an "Ohio Miracle" – has presided over a shrinking economy, this past July being the 21st consecutive month in which the state's job growth has lagged behind the national average. In Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker, whose union-busting inadvertently helped kick off the Occupy movement, cut taxes by roughly $2 billion – yet his promise to create 250,000 new private-sector jobs during his first term has fallen about 150,000 jobs short, and forecasters expect the state to face a $1.8 billion budgetary shortfall by mid-2017. A recent analysis by the Detroit Free Press, meanwhile, laid out how the tax policies of Gov. Rick Snyder, a wealthy entrepreneur who campaigned in Michigan as a nerdy technocrat, have resulted in businesses paying less ($1.7 billion less per year, to be exact), individuals paying more ($900 million per year) and – here's the kicker – job growth slowing every year since Snyder's cuts have been enacted.
C'mon, Dems.  Up on your hind legs.  Stop pretending this is fight between Red and Blue; Liberal and Conservative; or whatever your Marketing Team comes up with next.  This is between the millions of reasonable Americans who just want a fair shake, and a bunch of radical phonies dressed up to look like "patriots" trying to take us back to the glories of the late 18th century.

Supply Side is failed policy.  Stand up and say it.

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