Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

That Duck Schmuck

Phil Robertson's a piece of work, ain't he?

Morality is a rational thing that grows from an understanding of what it takes to live in a world with other people who have exactly the same rights and responsibilities that you have.

Those ISIS fuck wads have a god-given morality.  Jim Jones had a god-given morality.  David Koresh had a god-given morality. Jephthah had a god-given morality that led him to burn his daughter alive as a way of sucking up to that god.

I don't have a nice easy 10-word bumper sticker solution for the problems of ethics and morality, and it should be pretty obvious by now that we're not getting anywhere just listening to the voices in our heads and consulting with imaginary friends that turn out to be nuthin' but brainwave activity in our right temporal lobes.

So let's start fresh with something like this:
It takes a buncha work and a lotta thought, but ya gotta figure out how to live your life without needing your mommy or a cop or Jesus looking over your shoulder all the fucking time.
hat tip = Right Wing Watch

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