Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label dads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dads. Show all posts

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Today In Cloying Sentimentality

Yes - yay for this kid.  He pushed thru and he might just make it.

Everybody has everything nice to say about how wonderful he is; and how generous his girlfriend's parents are; and how FSU's gonna step up and help; and how amazing it is that people raised a fuckload of bucks to help him out.  All excellent.  Very very excellent indeed.  (I mean it - good for that kid; way to go)

Except for the part where his dad is practically invisible.  I guess it's because dads really don't count for much anymore.  Or is it because a guy with a coupla kids and a dead wife just gets dumped on the side of the road, and nobody gives a fuck about it (this is Florida, y'know)?  And hey - if he can't manage to get back on his feet all by himself, well then he's nuthin'; he's morally deficient.  Why didn't he borrow some money from his parents and start a business?  Fuckin' loser.

If America is so fucking strong, how come we can't lift that kid's dad (and his brother) outa that hole they're in?  How is it we can only manage to help 33% of that family?

And don't get me started on the extreme Press Poodling, as they epically fail at a decent opportunity to tell a real story about real people and instead turn it into this Heapin' Helpin' of Feel Good Pablum Bullshit.