Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, December 03, 2012

Bill Burr

Two guys working in stand up right - Bill Burr and Louis CK - I think may be the voices of American men in the 21st century.

They go all the way out there to some places that're pretty weird and a little scary, and then bring it all the way back.  Phenomenal.

No More Mr Nice-Guy

"They call me Mr President".
That’s what you’re really seeing in this “proposal.” Previously, Obama’s pattern had been to offer plans that roughly tracked where he thought the compromise should end up. The White House’s belief was that by being solicitous in their policy proposals, they would win goodwill on the other side, and even if they didn’t, the media would side with them, realizing they’d sought compromise and been rebuffed. They don’t believe that anymore.
So The Prez is all fired up and scowl-y and the Repubs just don't know how to deal with it.

Let's hope this signals the time when we can stop calling Obama "President Lawnchair", and that he fully intends to stick his hat in their gizzle.

(hat tip = Democratic Underground)

Once Upon A Time


I don't even know what to say.

...Except that there's just no way for this to be anything but parody.  The problem - I guess one of the problems - is that some percentage of people out there will take it to heart.

Another problem is that I haven't found anything yet to debunk it.  The internet can be a very weird place.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Start The Clock

I get pretty sick of these mush-brained jagoffs and their predictions of dire horribleness.

So let's see if there's anything true about any of this crap 5 years from now.  Oh, gosh.  I forgot.  Beck and others of his stripe always put these things far enough out so we're sure  not to recall what they actually said way back 5 years ago.

I don't know how to chronicle all of the doofery, but let's see what happens a few years down the road (assuming I'm still here), when somebody comes back to my little blog and clicks on the "predictions" tag.

About Susan Rice

If you wanna bitch about something, at least bitch about something real.

From TruthDig:
It turns out that Susan Rice, President Obama’s apparent favorite for the next secretary of state, has financial investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that stand to profit from the growth of the North American tar sands industry and the operation of the proposed multibillion-dollar Keystone XL pipeline.
If Rice gets the job, Scott Dodd at OnEarth writes, one of her “first duties likely would be consideration, and potentially approval, of the controversial mega-project.”
Mike's First Rule - it's never about what they tell you it's about.

So while McCain and Graham and Ayotte stomp around yelling "Benghazi cover-up", the real shit slides on by without anybody noticing.

And they wonder why Congress has an approval rating in the low zeroes.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Beware The Rage

Road rage can take some unexpected turns.

God As Teacher

Why God didn’t get tenure.
  • He’s had only one major publication
  • It included no references
  • It was written in at least 3 foreign languages, one of which has been dead for 1800 years.
  • It wasn’t peer-reviewed
  • There is some reason to suspect he didn’t write it himself
  • He claims to have created the world, but his results can't be replicated, it was a least 6000 years ago, and he hasn’t done much since then anyway
  • He refuses to cooperate with, or even acknowledge his colleagues
  • He never cleared it with the Ethics Board before using human subjects
  • When one of his early experiments failed, he attempted to cover it up by drowning all the subjects
  • Subjects not behaving as expected are often simply deleted from the sample (rumors abound that he expelled his first 2 students for their reluctance to attend class in the nude)
  • He rarely shows up in his classroom (students are told “just read the book”), prompting allegations that he’s had his son teach his class
  • His office hours are irregular, there have been many complaints about his being unresponsive to communications, and meetings with him generally require mountain climbing
  • Although there are only 10 basic requirements for his course, nearly all of his students fail, and his disciplinary actions are severe
(hat tip = Fail Blog)

Emotional Terrorists

I kinda get the feeling that in spite of the differences, all women seem to have a thing or two in common.

Working Class Hero
