Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bonnet Chronicles

Art Oddities

Carlos Enriquez Gomez ( 1900 - 1957)


Uncle Remus --Frank Zappa

Wo, are we movin' too slow?
Have you seen us,
Uncle Remus . . .
We look pretty sharp in these clothes (yes, we do)
Unless we get sprayed with a hose
It ain't bad in the day
If they squirt it your way
'Cept in the winter, when it's froze
An' it's hard if it hits
On yer nose
On yer nose

Just keep yer nose
To the grindstone, they say
Will that redeem us,
Uncle Remus . . .
I can't wait till my Fro is full-grown
I'll just throw 'way my Doo-Rag at home
I'll take a drive to BEVERLY HILLS
Just before dawn
An' knock the little jockeys
Off the rich people's lawn
An' before they get up
I'll be gone, I'll be gone
Before they get up
I'll be knocking the jockeys off the lawn
Down in the dew

Written by Frank Vincent Zappa, George Duke • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group


From the front page of the Chicago Tribune yesterday:

So, there is actually a President Bartlet, and they call her Chancellor Merkel.

Angela Merkel has an undergrad in Physics & Physical Chemistry (1978 - Leipzig U), and a doctorate in Quantum Chemistry (1986 - German Academy of Science, Berlin).

Donald Trump can't even spell PhD.

A Climate Timeline

This is from Grist - I tried to capture the whole thing, but it's not working so you should go to and take a look. Do that now.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Keep This In Mind


"You don't have to tell me about your values. Just show me your budget and I'll know exactly what your values are."
--Joe Biden's dad

Another Podcast

You Are Not So Smart --David McRaney

Watch out for 2 things: the Backfire Effect, and the Information Deficit model

"Sometimes a man wants to be stupid if it lets him do a thing his cleverness forbids"
--John Steinbeck
And now we are a little less dumb.

Yesterday's Podcast

The Cornfield Resistance versus Medicaid Bureaucracy, Budget cuts from Trump, Why won't the media mention Breitbart? And more at

Resistance Report

March 17, 2017

Today's Meme

Friday, March 17, 2017

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Ask your doctor if Impeachara is right for you.

Today's Tweet

Like the man said: It's not about budgets - it's about retribution for somebody having insulted 45*'s delicate sensibilities.

New Math

Well, arithmetic anyway.

Number of days since doing laundry 
Number of pairs of underwear
Depth of my funk

Inversely proportional of course - the higher the number, the lower I am.

I figure over time, it would plot out like a Sine Curve and I'd be able to see where I am on the Mood Swing Cycle.

Today's Pix

Thursday, March 16, 2017

It's A Wonderment

When Paul Ryan says killing Obamacare is an act of mercy, why don't the rubes translate that as "the 9 most terrifying words in the English language"?

Today's Tweet

Today's Meme

On The Budget

On Thursday, the Trump administration released a preliminary 2018 budget proposal, which details many of the changes the president wants to make to the federal government’s spending. The proposal covers only discretionary, not mandatory, spending.
To pay for an increase in defense spending, a down payment on the border wall and school voucher programs, among other things, funding was cut from the discretionary budgets of other executive departments and agencies. The Environmental Protection Agency, the State Department and the Agriculture Department took the hardest hits. The proposal also eliminates funding for these 19 agencies.
The piece lets you focus in on recaps for individual departments, like Agriculture (eg):

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Today's Tweet
