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Jun 1, 2013

Using The Language Of Freedom

Adam Curtis.  Yeah, he can be formulaic, and more than a little heavy on the Makes-Ya-Clench-Yer-Asshole thing when he lays the spooky music over the gritty visuals.

Well, maybe we need a little asshole clenching now and then.

And not to get too Centrist here, but I do know this seems to dance perilously close to the kinda shit being peddled by Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, et al, but comparing black helicopters and FEMA camps and Ammo-gate to what Mr Curtis has to say makes my decision on what's closer to reality much easier.
Mathematicians such as John Nash developed paranoid game theories whose equations required people to be seen as selfish and isolated creatures, constantly monitoring each other suspiciously – always intent on their own advantage.

… politicians and scientists came to believe that this idea of human nature could be the basis of a new type of free society. But what none of them would realize was that within this dark and distrustful vision, lay the seeds of a new and revolutionary system of social control. It would use the language of freedom, but in reality, it would come to entrap us and our leaders in a narrow and empty world.
The Trap, part 1: "F**k You, Buddy"

The silly thing from days long past that comes to mind:  "Only yo mama loves ya, and she might be jivin' too."

The Trap, part 2: "The Lonely Robot"

The Trap, part 3: "We Will Force You To Be Free"

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