Mar 25, 2010

Go Sit In The Corner

Repubs like to declare loudly and often that they're the party with all the respect for the US Military. They're the ones who "listen to the commanders on the ground". They have a respect for the uniform that Dems just don't get.

With a few simple words — "I would have to object" — Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina derailed a Senate Armed Services hearing today in which generals had traveled from Korea and Hawaii to testify about the Pentagon's needs for the next year.

Repubs also have a tendency to claim they have a better understanding of (and a greater aversion to) "government waste". Does it just not occur to these knuckleheads that scheduling a meeting that requires 3 FLAG OFFICERS to come in from Nebraska and Hawaii and Korea, and then canceling it without hearing from the Brass Hats - that this is practically the definition of government waste!?!

What's more troubling is that this is a continuing pattern, so I've suspected for a while that they do some of these things on purpose. They thwart certain efforts that should make things work a little more smoothly, and then down the road somewhere, they point back to the mess they helped to create, and they say, "See? I told ya - it's all fucked up." And, "I guess I'd better stay on a while and try to protect ya'll from that bad ol' gummint."

These people have no soul and no honor.

Read more: From McClatchy.

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