Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More On Arizona

Maybe that should be Moron Arizona.  Too much of a cold shot?

Now that the backlash has a lot of people whipped up into a mild Anti-Arizona frenzy, the Op-Ed editors are jumping into it with an attitude of "what they did was dead wrong, but understandable". (Editorial Roundup)

Sorry, Arizona, but fuck you.  Sorry, Minutemen, but fuck you.  Sorry, "Conservative Values Voters", but fuck you.  For 30 years, you guys have been voting for an agenda that drains government resources away from providing services like border security, and now you're all pissed off because your borders aren't secure?  You've pissed and moaned for 30 years about Intrusive Government or Incompetent Government or whatever, and you've stayed home on election day or you've voted for these assholes; but now you're acting surprised about what actually happens as a result of getting what you said you wanted!?!  I repeat: fuck you.

You wanted "common sense" and "straight talk" and "leaders who're just like me".  You spent an awful long time listening to and nodding at and forwarding emails that spouted racist and eliminationist bullshit.  Well now that bullshit has been made into law, and you're gonna cry about it?  One more time: fuck you.

As usual, the really good reporting on the background and history of this crappy law is being done by the loonies on the left.

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