Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sep 8, 2010

Political Insurgency 2010

Everybody seems really freaked out about how the "Tea Party" candidates are likely to screw everything up in the elections this year.  The Repubs are talkin' like they have the House majority sewed up already, but then again, there're lots of stories about how the establishment losers of the primaries refuse to show up at the little Party Unity rallies, where they're supposed to throw their support behind the insurgency winner.

If the Repubs are sure of a big win in November, why are they so upset about the Repub candidates who they say will win them the majority?

Two guesses:
1) The Repubs aren't really feeling confident - it's all just bluster.
2) If these Tea Baggers get elected, the Repub leadership will find it difficult if not impossible to hold any of the new members to party discipline.

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