Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Yo - Democrats

Get your shit together.  Everybody seems to be itchin' for a fight.  Lotsa talk about filibusters on the Tax Cut package heading thru Congress, and lots of talk about Obama dealing away practically everything in order to get "concessions" from the Repubs that they  wanted all along anyway.  So of course, the question is: how will the Dems fold this time?

Here's another question: are you really ready for an all-out partisan war?

In that light, I think I may be able to see for the first time, that Obama is doing the things he's doing in an attempt to avoid that war.  He could be saying that while he really does want to get things done according to the progressive agenda of his campaign, he still has to figure out how to keep his branch of the government going.  If he picks a fight every time out, then maybe everything grinds to a halt and not even the less-than-fully-satisfying things  he's been able to push thru would have any chance at all.  Maybe.

Maybe also: appeasement only encourages the adversary.

And in the meantime, there seems to be a bad disconnect between Washington politics and the problems way too many Americans are facing every day.  The joint may not be on fire yet, but it's too close for anybody's comfort.

I'm still waiting.

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