Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, July 09, 2011

A Simple Truth

Or rather, there's at least one simple truth about the big flap over the Debt Ceiling.  So, to put it simply, what the Repubs are saying is that they ran up the bills all thru W's time in office (when they controlled the purse strings for 75% of that period), but now that it's time to raise the money to pay for all that spending, they're balking - they wanna renege on the obligation to pay for what they did.  And, of course, they're pretty sure they can get the rubes to blame Obama for it, because he's the guy in charge now.  And, of course the rubes will eat it up because that's what they do - the elephant shits on their heads, and they all say, "Thanks for the hat, boss".

And btw: Obama played much the same game when he was on the other side of the fence.  Nobody comes outa this smellin' fresh.

Take a look at Bruce Bartlett's 5 Myths About The Debt Ceiling.

Put this together with the crappy jobs reports for May and June, and I don't see anything but shit storms coming over the horizon.  The stimulus is pretty much all tapped out, the PseudoCons are yankin' the Repubs around like they had tails, and the Dems seem intent on missing yet another opportunity to grow some balls.

One last thing:  I think The Repubs actually believe that no matter what happens, they'll be able to make a case that Obama has broken the law, or is taking some outrageous action that's outside the bounds of the Constitution - so what's really happening here is that they're trying to set him up for impeachment.

Ya heard it here first.

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