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Nov 9, 2011

Olbermann On Joe Pa

It's one of the saddest things ever. Joe Paterno has been a hero for a lot of us for a very long time. And while I think this is something that happened as much in spite of his management rather than because of it, I also think this is a good example of what can happen when somebody stays in a position of great power for way too long.

Word is that Paterno will resign at the end of the season. I have to agree with Keith on this one (fire his ass today), but I'd go one more step and say that Paterno should be in front of a judge right now, trying to make a case for why he should not be in jail.


  1. Shouldn't the assistant coach who "witnessed" the crime have called the police? He was the one that saw it. And now a man who exemplified a father figures for hundreds of Penn State students is now the fall guy for the embarrassment of the school. America sure loves taken a good man down!

  2. I think I've read somewhere that the Graduate Asst who witnessed the crime reported something to Paterno, but what exactly he reported is not fully understood yet. So you're right to criticize the GA, and his failure to see it thru could make him culpable in some way, but it was up to Paterno to make sure everybody working in his department is complying with school policy and obeying the law - including himself.
    Maybe we should really be talking about how you're willing to gloss over the rape of child, as you try to make some inane point on the politics of it all. Your attitude is exactly why Paterno has to be "taken down".
