Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cut The Crap

Obama wasn't born in the US.
Obama is a secret Muslim.
Obama is stealthily destroying American Capitalism on purpose.
Obama wants higher gas prices to help out his hippie buddies in Green Biz.

Whether you love Obama or you hate him, or you don't really care one way or another - it'd be good to make decisions based on real information rather than the smarmy bullshit that passes for political debate points these days.

Isn't it a little weird that the GOP and "conservatives" are all pissed off at Obama for a bunch of baloney they made up, when they really should be in favor of what he's doing (eg) overseas?  You know - the shit they condoned or even rabidly supported when Bush was doing it?

All that other junk is brought to us by people who have no honor and no soul.

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