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Sep 23, 2012

Buncha Dopes (cont'd)

I put up a post yesterday that ended with my standard bitch about SIlver Spoon Legacy Pukes.

see Buncha Dopes
If you can manage it, then you should leave your kids something to get 'em goin', and good on you. But we're not doing ourselves, or them, any favors by plowing the road so perfectly that we end up with cretins like Luke Russert and Chris Wallace and Meghan McCain and GW Bush and Willard-fucking-Romney in positions of real consequence.
Something occurs to me when I think about my own disdain for inherited privilege and advantage, that hooks in pretty well with the arguments coming from The Grover Fluffers at places like Club For Growth and The TeaBaggers and practically all of the GOP.

My contention is that if I leave a ginormous estate to my kids, then there's not much incentive for them to work at anything, and to participate in a world (ie: an economy) that doesn't function properly unless practically everybody participates in it in roughly the same way.  I'm not talkin' about trying to make the field perfectly level by straight-up confiscation and redistribution.  That's been tried and it doesn't work for shit either.  I'm just talkin' about putting in some rules that make it a lot harder for your great great granddaddy to have greased the skids for you to the extent that you decide to grab for some real power by running for national office just because you haven't much of anything else to do.

Now think about conversations you've had with almost any "conservative", and tell me what they've had to say about "welfare has made multiple generations dependent on government largesse" - and/or - "if you just give stuff to people without making them work for it, they'll decide not to work at all".  And of course, these are almost always the same people who scream so loudly about the sheer horribleness of "The Death Tax".

Aristocracy sucks.  It's what an awful lot of brave souls decided to overthrow back in the late 18th century.  And, weirdly, Inherited Entitlement seems to be kinda the "natural order of things".  But that's what we said we weren't going to do anymore.  We said it may well be what happens everywhere else, but not here.  We're the exception.

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