Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Fact Vacuum

Charles Blow, in an Op-Ed at NYT:
There is some degree of mythmaking and truth-stretching in every campaign, but the extent to which Republicans have embraced ignobility in this campaign is astounding. They have used their convention podium to unleash a whole lot of half-truths, so many that fact-checkers have been working overtime. But trying to chase down every lie is like trying to catch every bug in a log. It’s almost impossible.
If the news media has to pour so much energy into fact-checking, which is noble and necessary, I worry that the big picture gets short shrift. The convention itself was shockingly low on vision and high on venom.
Yet the candidates are virtually tied in most polls. What does this portend for the republic? I worry deeply about this, not simply because I work at a newspaper, but because I am an American.
Favorite Comment:
Ironic that the party which declares itself so unapologetically Christian should keep ignoring "Thou shalt not bear false witness". --O. Sharp, Seattle

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