Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some Numbers

Willard committed a gaffe by saying what was actually on his mind yesterday.

He said (paraphrasing) 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and are incapable of taking responsibility for themselves, and feel entitled to the money that hard-working real Americans earn.

Here's an interesting look at where all those freeloaders live:

So lemme see
  • of the 10 states with the greatest numbers of people Willard considers to be moochers and lay-abouts and shiftless no account sponges, 8 of 'em are standard traditional Red States.
  • 6 out of the 10 states with the LOWEST numbers are Blue States.
(hat tip = Addicting Info)

But remember that in Repub World, this just means they need to vote for Willard so he can show them the error of their ways, and to save them from being further victimized by the Svengali Socialist Obama.

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