Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pay Attention

Conservatives" are changing their tactics.  They seem to know that they're gonna get called out for their bald-faced racism whenever they put up some anecdotal crap about "welfare cheats" or "food stamp fraud" that (at least) invite the inference that the bad guys are always "black people".  So they're now going out of their way to include the statement that the dirty rotten perpetrators of these horrible scams are "white".

Fast forward to the part where I say, "So the fuck what?"  You're still just makin' shit up.  You're still trying to pull some very heavy-duty wool over everybody's eyes.  You're still a bunch of low-life, snap-collar, dock-sider, frat-boy legacy pukes who want nothing more than to cement your entitled little asses into positions of privilege and power without ever having to work for anything more than a merit badge that your mommy and daddy bought online to make sure you could put "Eagle Scout" on your application to an exclusive private college - and to make sure you grew up with a feeling that you earned every little thing that made it possible for you to "succeed" - like being born white, and middle class, and going to school in the suburbs, and and and - you pretentious milk-sop fuck.

But, of course, the real problem - the thing that's holding you back from really achieving the spectacular heights of your destiny as a player at the upper reaches of the Ruling Class - "those people"; they must be to blame.

Here's a re-animation of the dead rotting corpse of Ronald Reagan - or more accurately, his efforts to divide us along the fault lines of Status - ie: Welfare Queens etc: (

And remember 2 things:
  1. They don't call it Class Warfare until we start to fight back.
  2. Once they call it what it is, we've already won.

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