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Apr 14, 2013


I'm not committing on this either way yet, but I'll say this:  I don't like dynasties, so I'll be hard pressed to support Hillary for president in 2016.  I'm not saying there's no way - I think she's done a pretty great job at State - but I really really don't like the idea of electing people from the same family as any previous office-holder.

I tho't it was a little weird, starting with Benigno Aquino in the Philippines in the 80s - he was assassinated, and so his wife Cory Aquino was elected.  I didn't like it then and I've grown less fond of it since - up to and including Clair McCaskill, and anybody else out there I'm not aware of.

No more Bushes
No more Rockefellers
No more Roosevelts
No more Kennedys
No more Clintons

If it wasn't for her daddy's name and her mommy's money, would Meghan McCain be any kind of 'leading light' in the GOP?

Does Luke Russert really deserve a national slot at NBC News?

What about Chris Wallace?

What - exactly - do Paris Hilton's credentials look like?

What makes Caroline Kennedy worthy of any consideration to be named Ambassador to Japan?

No legacies.  No inherited entitlements.

If we have to tax the fuck outa certain people's estates to kill off the Aristocracy, then that's what we should do - cuz the alternative is what's been the main tool of prevention of Aristocracy for about 40 centuries; and that is simply to fucking kill the aristocrats.


1 comment:

  1. totally agree.If something were to happen to my husband am I the logical person to take his job? I know nothing about weaving cable for defense or keeping track of my handicap from previous golf game.If it were me that needed a replacement, would Joe make a good nurse?Get the point?I do.
