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May 26, 2013


We hear all manner of blather about what "the immigration issue" does or will mean to this party and/or that candidate, but what about the people who're most likely to be impacted?

What about the 40 million immigrants (aka human-type people, regardless of their "status") who work and pay taxes and help move the whole thing forward?  Which means BTW, wow, look at that - they only wanna do their thing and be left alone, just like everybody else, so maybe "conservatives" could stop indulging in their High School Fuck Around Name-Calling and start acknowledging them as neighbors, even if they can't quite bring themselves to see them as equals (cuz, you know - what's the point of pretending we're in the Richie Rich Club if we can't shit on somebody and keep 'em out for no good reason).

Anyhoo - from Andrea Seabrooke's DecodeDC:

And as a fair example of how fucked up our political system is, look no further than Lindsay Graham (aka Huckleberry Closetcase).  Graham wants desperately to support Immigration Reform - partly because he's really not quite the same kinda complete asshole that his TeaBagger constituents seem to be, but also not just because he wants to be fair about it.  He knows the GOP has to start moving away from the basic Mitch McConnell approach of Block-Everything-Hate-Everybody-Stop-All-Progress-At-Any-Cost-Make-Gubmint-So-Rotten-The-Rubes-Will-Beg-For-Mercy.  The only reason they didn't get their asses totally handed to them in a soggy paper bag last November is that so many of the districts have been Gerrymandered that only a few of the seats in The House ever flip anymore - which of course allows us to maintain our illusion of Democracy for a while longer (but that's a different rant).

If Graham wants to "lead" on something like immigration, he first has to reassert his street cred by bashing Obama and screaming "Scandal" at every serviceable video camera.  It's a pretty simple trade-off.  You make a big stink about Benghazi and ObamaCare and the IRS etc (ie: you take every opportunity to stroke the Tea Peckers), and then it doesn't seem quite so bad when you vote in favor of letting the Brown Hordes overwhelm us and violate the Sacred American Maidenhead - or whatever the fuck the rubes are swallowing right at the moment.

So yeah - it's pretty fucked up.  And at the risk of sounding a little too Centrist, this is the game Obama plays too.  It's just that Obama and The Dems play it way more low-key and up-front, IMHO.  It seems far less likely (even for the "far left") for the Dems just to make shit up.  Facts are facts.  Good policy can't come from bullshit like Bible verses or Lord Monkton's "opinions" or the latest Alex Jones podcast about Weather Weapons or how SCOTUS was intimidated by Chicago-style thuggery into upholding ObamaCare or or or.

Get a fuckin' grip, rubes.

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