Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Coupla Cents Worth

This one's making the rounds, and of course, in the end, the Repubs are actually cheering a woman for doing what an awful lot of 'em think is justification for taking a pot shot at her next time they see her on the street.

This has been put together with the fact that while Ol' 3-Things Rick was busy sucking up to 'the base' by trying to slut-shame Ms Davis, one of his prison wardens was carrying out Texas execution #500.  But being Irony-Challenged is just kinda who they are and how they roll.

That's plenty to gripe my ass right there, but what really gets me is that whenever I hear this strain of argument - the one about giving everybody a fair chance blah blah blah - some things just naturally pop into my brain: first, how come the fetus gets a fair shot to have "every possible advantage" (which will have to include spending huge amounts of tax dollars to enforce criminalization of abortion) but its 8-year-old sister deserves nothing but cutbacks in the SNAP benefits that make it barely possible for her to get whatever third-rate education she has to struggle for in a semi-shitty school that became kinda shitty because of Wingnut Austerity & Privatization, and so they can't afford to do any better?

Second - when these 'conservatives' are waxing idiotic about 'the unborn', why is every fetus automatically destined to become Bill Gates or Albert Schweitzer or Wendy Davis, while apparently none of 'em could possibly have grown into the next Klaus Barbie or Richard Speck?

It's like when somebody decides they can "channel a past life"; everybody's a great warrior, or a noble, or a high priestess, or some heroic figure; and nobody's ever some regular schmuck who sucked at his job and tried to fuck his sister-in-law when he was drunk, and then wandered off into the woods and got eaten by a wolverine.

The point here, Governor Derringer-dick, is that Wendy Davis is the only one in any room at any time under any circumstance who has the brains, and all the information necessary, and the fucking right to make healthcare decisions for Wendy Davis.

You don't like abortions?  Don't get one.  Seriously.  Butt out and find something useful to do with your time and my money.

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