Not to get too magical-mystical here, but when we're talking about the FISA Court and USA PATRIOT Act and the shenanigans at NSA and the FBI, etc - I think I have to go along with Mark Udall; mostly anyway - and Obama too btw. There has to be a balance, which (imo) we've let get away from us in a pretty big way.
Balance is kinda the key to the whole self-governance thingie. We have to continue to develop better ways to catch the bad guys after the fact - and better yet, prevent the bad guys from doin' the dirt in the first place - without making it more probable that some tin-plated martinet will abuse the power, and turn it to his own ends. (Thank you, Capt Obvious)
Here's 5 minutes of Udall on NPR, talking about what he and Ron Wyden are proposing:
Balance is kinda the key to the whole self-governance thingie. We have to continue to develop better ways to catch the bad guys after the fact - and better yet, prevent the bad guys from doin' the dirt in the first place - without making it more probable that some tin-plated martinet will abuse the power, and turn it to his own ends. (Thank you, Capt Obvious)
Here's 5 minutes of Udall on NPR, talking about what he and Ron Wyden are proposing:
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