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Sep 10, 2013

Today's Best Wordsmithing

Teabagistan - from Addicting Info:
(on the continuing cry-baby bullshit of certain parts of the country where the Baggers are pushing for "secession")
So the political movement that has wrapped itself in the American flag so tightly that it’s cut the blood flow off to their brains wants to take their toys and run away because they’re not winning the game anymore. It’s important to note that these are the people that are the “real” Americans in their own mind. They love love LOVE America, democracy and mom’s apple pie. But only as long as most of the pie is theirs and they get to make the rules. Once they have to share and everyone else gets a vote, suddenly, democracy is not fair, not right and they want their country back!
The problem with this plan of making little ruby red states is that it would only delay the inevitable and, actually, be an ENORMOUS drain on the rest of the country. Red states are, by and large, total failures. The decades of sabotaging education and the social safety net while allowing corporations free reign to poison and exploit the population have left far too many of them in dire straights. True to the hypocrisy of the right, even as they scream about helping others with “handouts” they scream even louder if their own handouts are threatened. Even if we allowed them to form, in a generation or two, these right wing utopias would be the equivalent of third world countries. The rich would live lavish lifestyles and everyone else would be dirt poor.
Connect the Secession dot with the Impeachment dot with the Voter Suppression dot, and you get a pretty clear picture of some people who just can't come to terms with the simple fact that they're in a shrinking minority and that their agenda is being rejected by a big (and growing) number of Americans who're getting hip to how shitty these "conservative" policies are.

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