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Jan 21, 2014


Bob McDonnell's term as Virignia's Governor ended a week and a half ago, and today a federal grand jury handed down a big stack of indictments for Vaginal Bob and Lady McBarbie.

I'd like to say yay, but two things keep popping into my head.  First, I'm not convinced anybody will really care now.  I believe the thinking will be "gee, isn't he's gone now?" and "lookee there - the system worked - he got voted outa office" and "the Dems won the election - all they wanna do is punish the guy for being a Republican".

And second - that kind of thinking is why these things need to happen while a prick like McDonnell is still in office.  The whole thing almost got negotiated away - "in the interest of what's good for The Commonwealth".  Amazing just how chummy these assholes think they are with "us folks" once it becomes clear they've been fuckin' us with our pants on.

The announcement of the indictments was postponed, and the reasoning we got was so it wouldn't disrupt the elections last fall.  Fuck that shit.  Maybe disruption is what we need.  Maybe voters need to get shook up.  Maybe politicians and pollsters and image consultants and spinmeisters and party operatives - the whole political industry in general needs a collective kick in the nuts.
Taken together, the charges, if they resulted in convictions and maximum sentences, could produce fines in excess of $1 million and put the McDonnells behind bars for decades.

The indictment caps a stunning fall from political grace for the former governor, whose term ended Jan. 11. His tenure produced budget surpluses, restoration of voting rights to a record number of former felons and a landmark transportation funding package, before it was consumed by scandal in his final nine months in office.
I'll bet dollars to dingleberries there were people in positions of power who knew about all this crap a good 2 years ago, when they started vetting McDonnell for 2012 Veep.  None of this came as any kind of surprise to anybody anywhere near shoutin' distance of either party.  But they all kept it cool.  They all started calculating what they might be able to get out of it for themselves and for their own organizations.

Hey, guys - ya wanna know why so many of us get stuck in the Centrist Trap?  Would it interest you at all to learn why we fall for "Both sides do it"?

One side pulls some shit and the other side suddenly goes deaf dumb and blind.

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