Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Kickstart For MayDay SuperPAC

Last month, I posted a bit from Think Progress about how Average Nobodies like you and me get dicked around or flat-out ignored because we don't have an effective lobbying effort in place.

So, then along comes Lawrence Lessig, fronting for an idea that's basically fighting fire with fire.  We gotta do something, and this is as good as anything else I can think of - which usually includes throwing bricks thru their windows and setting fire to cars and shit.

Go here to make a pledge

1 comment:

  1. I like Lawrence Lessig a lot. And, yes, Mayday PAC is at least doing SOMETHING! But I cringe at the huge drooling grins coming from under the hoodies of the big media execs as they cash in even bigger now from getting us sucked into their corporate suck hole as we try to answer the corporate suck holes, 'cause they'll get most of this new moolah stuffed into their suck holes. Better to spend all our energy supporting Move to Amend and the pushing hard and fast for the constitutional amendment that overturns Citizens United vs Humans, which simply says: Money is not speech, and corporations are not people.
