Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Kill 'Em All - Let God Sort 'Em Out

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." --Sinclair Lewis

I lost track of the contradictions and the fallacies just a few minutes in.

At about 11:00, this pops up on screen:
"Note: The statements made by Sargent (sic) Major Dan Page do not reflect the opinions of our local Oath Keepers Chapter, nor the national organization"
I'd kinda like to dismiss these blockheads as Peter Pan Patriots - guys who just can't quite get past the phase of their early adolescence that's marked (and sometimes dominated) by various Rescue Fantasies, but then, when my daughter's English assignment over the summer was reading Lord Of The Flies, I'm reminded how the seemingly idle tho'ts of boys can turn into deadly reality if you remove the rule of law; and as recent events might indicate, by removing the participation of citizens in their own governance.

People do things because other people do things that cause other people to do things. So maybe if we can figure out how to identify tin-plated martinets like Dan Page, we could then (while appropriately looking after their rights), isolate them and remove them from positions of power.

And then we can stop falling for the passive voice bullshit of "mistakes were made" or "shit happens" and get back to where we're actually holding people accountable instead of just gas-baggin' about it.

Nobody said it was gonna be easy.  Democratic self government is hard.  Guess what - it's supposed to be hard.  If it wasn't hard everybody'd be doin' it.  Hard is what makes it fucking great. (with apologies to Ganz and Mandell)

hat tip = Addicting Info

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