Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, August 04, 2014

Today's Wingnut

hat tip = Addicting Info

I guess Lil Donny is off his meds again - railing against the docs who contracted Ebola Fever while trying to be professionals who actually give a fuck:

"People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences"

That would certainly help explain why Trump and his fellow-traveler "conservatives" are so dead-set against trying to make the VA a better place.  Soldiers who go to far away places to help us out are great, but they knew the risks when they signed up, so if they don't have sense enough to die over there, fuck 'em(?)

How is it that these guys are always making stoopid general pronouncements, and nobody "on their side" ever seems to get wise to it?

And then there's RushBo:

Be afraid.  C'mon guys - if I'm wrong about y'all being a buncha whiny-butt pussies who're frightened by every shadow and every fleeting glimpse of anything you can't either immediately identify as friendly (aka "exactly like you") - or anything you're not allowed to shoot 47 times with your 50-calibre manly inadequacy compensator - then ya gotta be able to recognize that you're being played for suckers.

And now I'll trot out the old standby (Groaner Alert):  These "Thought Leaders" on the far right must think you're all mushrooms - why else do they keep you in the dark and feed you a steady diet of shit?

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