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Apr 3, 2015

Bad Senator - Bad Bad Senator

Bob Menendez may be carted off the field pretty soon - for stepping on his own dick with a track shoe.  And while I won't say it shouldn't happen, I guess I could say this looks a whole lot like Praising-By-Faint-Damnation. 

It's pretty obvious ol' Bob is a fine example of the kinda Coin-Operated Politician I love to slag.  The guy sold favors.  He used the power of his office to grease the skids for a buddy in exchange for campaign donations.  First, let's be real clear - this should come as no surprise to anybody.  It's a manifestation of the system of legalized bribery we've developed.  I'm a lot more amazed that Bob's buddy, Salomon Melgen was willing to pay $750k in campaign contributions to get visas for a coupla Dominican girlfriends - that is some top-shelf high-priced pussy, my friend - and hey, what else is this guy willing to overpay for? And how do I get in on that action? 

(sorry, not sorry - even if you think I should be a bit more restrained in my expression, or that I'm being cynical because of course we're all supposed to have evolved enough to believe power and money are used for better purposes, thinking they won't be used in the traditionally relentless pursuit of sex is just silly).

But that leads me to the second thing, which is: what the fuck - Bob Menendez is the guy we need to go after?  Maybe that's why there's not a whole big magillah being made about it - yet.  Or maybe there's a lot more to it(?) - like maybe everybody else is really busy making sure all their own hookers and pimps are properly masked before they jump into it.  Dunno, but it is politics after all.  And it's Jersey to boot.

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