#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS127DAYS17:04:42 LIFELINEWorld's energy from renewables14.756970223%Twelve women bringing light to the fight against climate change | Biochar might be an even bigger climate solution than we thought | Texas leads US renewable energy generation by a country mile | Basel’s green roof revolution is creating a thriving urban ecosystem | Brownfield site to be turned into nature reserve | Indigenous leaders optimistic after resumed UN biodiversity conference | China announces plans for major renewable projects to tackle climate change | Agroforestry stores less carbon than reforestation but has many other benefits | EU to release new steel industry action plan in two weeks | Norway to ban petrol cars from zero emission zones | Twelve women bringing light to the fight against climate change | Biochar might be an even bigger climate solution than we thought | Texas leads US renewable energy generation by a country mile | Basel’s green roof revolution is creating a thriving urban ecosystem | Brownfield site to be turned into nature reserve | Indigenous leaders optimistic after resumed UN biodiversity conference | China announces plans for major renewable projects to tackle climate change | Agroforestry stores less carbon than reforestation but has many other benefits | EU to release new steel industry action plan in two weeks | Norway to ban petrol cars from zero emission zones |

May 8, 2015

Today's Chart

Here's a comparison of mandated Paid Maternity Leave and Protected Maternity Leave in 38 "first world" countries. (I'm thinking you won't be surprised)

The article that goes with that chart deals with the trend of a declining birth rate in USAmerica Inc.
New findings from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey reveal that nearly half of women between ages 15-44 were childless in 2014, a 1.1 percent increase from 2012. This is consistent with recent National Center for Health Statistics data showing a six-year decline in U.S. birth rates. The report says America's fertility rates dropped to record lows in 2013 with women ages 15-44 only having 1.86 babies on average. In order to maintain a stable population, the average has to be at least 2.1 children.
Family-Friendly my dyin' ass. This is one of the reasons I find it so hard to resist kicking "conservatives" right in the nuts.

Wanna know why "Millennials" aren't buying into the American Dream?  They're not convinced there's any future in it for them.

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