Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, February 08, 2016

Ends In A Tie

Some more or less random thinking on the day after Super Bowl.

So yesterday was the 50th Annual Billionaires' Bash-a-Rama, nestled in the snuggly warmth of Silicon Valley's mega-bucks party in the richest city in USAmerica Inc.

OK, I'll see that bet and I'll raise ya Black History Month, plus the 50th anniversary of Huey and Bobby starting the Black Panther Party (in the Bay Area BTW).

(still don't know why the sound was so lousy - either an engineer forgot to flip a switch or CBS was playin' it a little too cool and the whole thing had to go thru one guy's panel so he could pull the plug in case there was a Wardrobe Malfunction situation - you noticed Justin and Janet were absent from the retrospective, right?)

Was Bey kicking the beast from the inside, trying to give somebody a signal of some sort?  Is it "disrespectful" that she'd do that at the Super Bowl? Or is it insulting to our intelligence, and/or more than a little ironic that a creature of "the system" is working hard to convince us she's fighting the system?  Or maybe it's just more shiny things - bread and circuses.

Any subversive worth his salt knows the dominant force loses completely if they don't win outright, and that the insurgency wins if all they do is survive to fight just one more day.  So how does anybody "win" anything in this kinda shit - when it's all mashed up together like this?

In a game featuring (mostly) black guys, where the Most Valuable Game's Most Valuable Player is a black guy, didn't anybody think it was little weird how the guy nobody could stop talking about was a washed-up white-dude quarterback who played like he had a coupla strands of linguini floppin' around where his throwin' arm's supposed to be?

One more tidbit - the Broncos Defense has 25 guys listed on the depth chart. 24 of 'em are black.  Black men brought that trophy home to you, Denver. I don't know what that means, if it means anything at all, but a little acknowledgement on that one wouldn't be outa line.  Maybe that's all Beyoncé was trying to say.

Anyway, my Donkeys won, and I'm a happy guy right now, and I can make a decision on whether or not I stay with this football thing later.  Time for another drink.

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