Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Looking Forward

With the latest crap coming out of the Oddly-Tinted Pile Of Psychotic Symptoms (aka: The Great Trumpkin Himself), here's the one question I really want the Press Poodles to ask every candidate, but especially every GOP candidate, and especially especially Lil Donny:

"What behavior will you expect from your loyalest supporters if you lose the primary; and/or you go on to lose the general election?"

And just to be sure - please look straight into the camera and tell your voters you want them to be civilized Americans who understand that politics in this country is about argument, voting and then abiding by the results of that voting without violent protests.

Take it to the streets, and do a sit-down thing, and go on strike, and do whatever you think will get your grievances heard and addressed, but this is not where the mob rules.

Well, OK - except for that "Recent Unpleasantness" back when the Yankees invaded our homeland.

But yeah - Exceptionalism, motherfucker. Do you get it?

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