Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Status Report

The Dems are nearing the end of what looks like a coupla high school knuckleheads in a slap fight after 5th period out in the teacher's parking lot.

Meanwhile, over at the cross-town rival's joint, the GOP seems to be having a hard time pretending there's not a full-blown meltdown going on.

  • Carly Fiorina came to us packaged as the perfect Lady Repub because she was the darling of the CEO Class for having "saved" Hewlett-Packard and blah blah blah, but gosh, it seems HP has decided not to be a sponsor for the Republican Convention.  So, is Carly using her influence to keep HP away because she's grudging on Trump, or is she (& her GOP buddies) such poison to HP that they just can't stand the blow-back if they throw in?  Either way, oops. (don't look for Coke or Microsoft either - oops and oops again)
  • There's a growing list of big-name Repubs who've declined invitations to Cleveland because they have to rinse out a few things and wash their hair.  eg: John Kasich and Rob Portman - arguably the top 2 GOP guys in Ohio (you know, Ohio - the state HOSTING THE CONVENTION) - both have said they're not sure if they're gonna make it to Cleveland next month.  4 out of the last 5 GOP nominees won't be there.  Wanna talk Rand Paul, Rick Snyder, Jeb Bush? Trump doesn't.
  • Glenn Beck has been suspended from his broadcasting spot on SiriusXM because he agreed with a guy he had on his show who all but said we might need a patriot to step up and assassinate Donald Trump.
  • Bloody Bill Kristol has burned through his list of people he's pushing hard to get up a 3rd party challenge for Trump - and he's down to like #5 on the list; a guy nobody's ever heard of - nobody outside of the Wingnut Welfare System anyway.
  • The Evangelicals are split - or maybe that should be "have split".
  • It's usually hard to tell where the US military stands on this stuff because they have to play it close enough to the vest that they don't do much thinking out loud and in public, but there's been a handful of comments telling me they're not looking forward to having to answer to complete bozos like the NeoCons again, and some of them (some big-deal retirees anyway) have very publicly expressed outrage in response to Trump's declarations of bringing back torture and saying the military will just have to suck it up and do whatever he says or else - nyah.
  • And oh yeah - Trump's campaign is broke.  They don't have any money to put anything in place for a ground game; they can't buy ad time; they can't do much of anything until after he gets the nomination.  The only thing he can do is keep blathering about whatever pops into to his little vacumm-packed skull and hope the Press Poodles keep lapping it up.
Ain't this fun?  Anybody can be Da Preznint - don't take but some common sense and a little straight talk and hard work, and ... holy fuck, how did we get this fuckin' stoopid? 

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