Jul 17, 2016

Another Day, Another What The Fuck

Three dead cops in Baton Rouge - 3 others wounded, one in critical condition. Plus one dead perp and as many as 2 others on the loose. (as of 3pm Sunday)

(update as of 5:30pm Sunday: Cops think it was a single perp - Gavin Eugene Long. No others are known to be involved, and the cops say they're not looking for anybody else.)
Three police officers have been fatally shot in Baton Rouge, La., and three others were wounded, according to East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Department.
East Baton Rouge Sheriff Sid Gautreaux III said one gunman was shot dead, but two other suspects may be at large.
"At this point in time the scene is still active," he said. "We are advising the public to please take an alternate route and steer clear of the area."
Corporal L'Jean Mckneely Jr., spokesman for the Baton Rouge Police Department, said officers secured the area around the suspect and sent a robot device in after the shooting, “making sure there aren’t any explosives in the area."

To be sure, this is a truly shitty thing.  As Fugelsang tweeted earlier:

I do have to wonder though - where are all the Ammosexuals in this?  They should be standing and wildly cheering as these heroic defenders of liberty have exercised their god-given 2nd Amendment rights to fight back against the oppressive tyrannical Police Forces (aka Da Gubmint).  And yet there's this deafening silence.

That level of cognitive dissonance seems to get a bit paralyzing, don't it?  

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