Jul 19, 2016

Where Have I Gone Wrong?

  • Obama is rotten
  • Hillary is rotten
  • Hillary in the White House would be a 3rd term for Obama
  • The main reason that would be terrible for America is because the Clintons and the Obamas don't "share our values"

Let's send Melania out in front of a packed house and 35 million TV viewers and have her espouse almost everything Michelle Obama had to say about herself and Barack in 2008 - practically reciting - verbatim - fairly large passages from that speech.

I wonder how this is playing today with the GOP faction that's been very vocal about how Trump isn't a "real Republican". 

Just how far down the Bullshit Expressway are the rubes willing to ride with this?

1 comment:

  1. All the way baby. There's no getting off this bus once you get on.
