Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Today's Political Leverage

Lotsa people have been wondering what's up with Paul Ryan.  Why does he blast Trump for saying stoopidly shitty things while still supporting the nominee?  
Ryan said Trump's criticism of Judge Curiel was "the textbook definition of a racist comment".
Ryan kept quiet when Trump went after Khizr Khan, and was rewarded by  Trump coming out in support of Ryan's primary challenger.
Now, Ryan's in a tight spot because he's trying hard to take his Party-Uber-Alles duties seriously, but at this point, he's trying to stand up for Party Unity in a GOP that split badly several years ago, and is in the process of splintering into smaller and smaller factions, heading rapidly for the Logical Extreme of becoming 20 million Parties Of One - which in a bit of sweet irony, is exactly what Ayn Rand's philosophy requires.  Unity means there has to be a bit of sublimation of the individual in order to work in concert with as many others as possible (ie: making a collective effort, which is absolute anathema to The Randian Way).

So it comes down to "damned if ya do and damned if ya don't", and that's how Trump always plays it. Everybody's fucked but him, which is a pretty good way to sum up the GOP Platform over the last 30 years, and also a plain-spoken interpretation of Ayn Rand's outlook, which means Trump is doing nothing but beating Ryan et al at their own game, which (hoping now) points up why you don't build a healthy society on the beliefs of a bitterly aggrieved former bourgeois fantasy hack whose life turned out to be exactly the kind of contradiction she railed against for 50 years.

So how 'bout it, Mr Speaker - will you tough it out and be the rugged individual St Ayn requires you to be? Or are you going to wuss out and ask somebody for a little help; a little teamwork; a little collective action?

You helped build that shit house - stop bitchin' about the stink and do something about it.

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