Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, August 05, 2016

What We Miss

I have to admit that I get a little too sucked in. There's a tendency to yell and point at all the shitty things we don't like about the other guy's candidate while practically ignoring what "our" candidate wants to do.  So we end up making a choice based on what we don't like about the brand on the outside of the box instead of making an informed decision based on what we know about the content inside the box. 

We can't just go on voting against everything and everybody because that only gets us pretty much to where we are now - half of us are so "against it" that we don't vote at all.  

We have to be able to vote for something. 

One smallish case in point - here's a bit from Hillary's speech in Philly (via Alternet):
We have to heal the divides in our country. Not just on guns. But on race. Immigration. And more. And that starts with listening, listening to each other. Trying, as best we can, to walk in each other’s shoes.

So let’s put ourselves in the shoes of young black and Latino men and women who face the effects of systemic racism, and are made to feel like their lives are disposable.
I don't agree with the part of that article that tends towards cynicism. (Appearances to the contrary, I'm a skeptically pragmatic idealist - it's just that I can't always resist being a bit cynical, cuz holy crap dude, have you even seen what goes on up in here sometimes?)  

But anyway, my point is that I'll vote for Hillary partly because she's standing up and saying there's this real problem and we need to figure out something we can do about it. Which is in fact very different from Trump, who literally just makes shit up, tells us he's seen videos that don't exist, and has nothing to say about anything that might help us form some kind of reasonable policy.

Really, I'm not just against Trump, feeling I have nowhere else to go and I guess I'll hafta hang with Hillary.  I've said something close to that in the past, but I'm a little smarter now - because I've been trying to do my homework.  

So no, I'll go along with Hillary until or unless she bails on it - just like I try to do with all of 'em - hoping for the best while understanding I won't get everything I want, no matter who the candidate is or what issue I'm on about right now.

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