Slouching Towards Oblivion

Oct 14, 2016

Today's Keith

What I've suspected for a while.  I can count on Keith to track it down and articulate for me.

Repubs could've glommed onto the main point of the Benghazi thing and gotten after Clinton, but they knew Benghazi was no worse a fuckup than all the other fuckups that get our State Department people hurt and killed on a regular basis. So they didn't pursue it to get at Clinton as the Secretary, and they sure as fuck didn't do it to be noble protectors of our valiant diplomacy warriors. They coulda done that by simply not cutting the State Dept's Security Budgets. 

Those hearings were pure theater - as always.  But none of that was really the point. The point was to damage Hillary Clinton politically for 2016 (Kevin McCarthy admitted as much on the record), and to maintain the "issue" so they could make money off the issue; money that gets them re-elected.

But that's not the onliest thing.  One other thing is how odd it seems that every email portrays Hillary or Podesta or Blumenthal in the worst possible light - and like Keith has said, never a word about GOP or Trump.  But here's the kicker: up until a coupla months ago, a lot of these "leaked emails" were slagging Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for doing shady things to fuck over Bernie. Now, suddenly (ie: magically?), Donna Brazile is the one who spent all that time and energy conspiring and conniving, while Wasserman-Schultz has disappeared completely.

Gee, it's almost like "Chairman Brezhnev has a touch of the flu and is currently under a doctor's care in a secure and undisclosed location."

This has smelled like bear shit for a long time now.

Thank the magic sky-goblin for Keith Olbermann.

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