Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, January 12, 2017

This is Now

Obama's first presser in 2008:

See if you can pick out any small details that're different when President Water Sports tried it for the first time:

He starts - starts - with the lie that he's always done the press conference thing. Then jumps straight in with the self-agrandizing crapola of taking credit for things he's had nothing to do with. And ends by telling us the file folders on the tables contained info about his vast empire of companies - when they were actually empty. They're props. That whole bit was nothing but Show Biz.

A coupla big points that stand out for me: First is that there's going to be a major purge of the Executive Branch. That's already started. At the very least, the gathering of names in certain departments with regards to certain activities is a great way to exert a little intimidation, and to tamp down on the trouble-makers who don't quite understand that  speaking truth to power is a subversive attitude that'll get your ass fired.

And second, this guy expects everything to happen in secrecy.

Because The Daddy State works best under the cover of darkness.

But the really big one is the merging of Trump and The People's Business. The plan for separating Trump from the Trump Organization sounds about right until you get to the Magic Loophole, which is that he'll be "donating" his hotel profits to the US Treasury, which begins the process of conflation, which twists the whole thing into a grotesque perversion - "What's good for Trump is good for America", because Trump is America.

Maybe it's gonna be OK, and maybe he's not the slimy fuckwad he's been trying so hard to tell us he is (while we've been trying just as hard not to believe it), but he has always been Mr Loophole - he delivers on his promises when he can't stop you from forcing him to deliver on his promises.

TrumpUSAmerica, Inc.

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