Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Today's Cult 45* Fuckup

I know, I know - I could put up several of these every day.

This gets a special place because Tim Scott is the only black guy in the US Senate, and that makes him kinda important if a schmuck with a reputation as a White Supremacist Asshole happens to occupy the Oval Office.

Now, Sen Scott went to the WH to vent a little bit on 45*'s crappy efforts to handle the Charlottesville thing properly.


Tim Scott, the lone black Republican in the Senate, delivered a pointed history lesson on America’s 300-year legacy of racism to President Trump on Wednesday in response to what he called Mr. Trump’s “sterile” response to the riots in Charlottesville, Va., last month.

The president invited Mr. Scott, a conservative from South Carolina who had expressed disgust with Mr. Trump’s equivocal reaction to the white supremacist protests that left one woman dead, to the Oval Office for what Mr. Trump’s staff described as a demonstration of the president’s commitment to “positive race relations.”

When a reporter asked the senator after the meeting if the president had expressed regret, a pained look flashed on Mr. Scott’s face. He paused for a few seconds and replied, “He certainly tried to explain what he was trying to convey.”

It had nothing to do with "positive race relations". This was Cult45 wanting a chance to do a little White-splainin'.

Knowing what we know about 45*'s delicate sensibilities - and his burning need for retribution at any cost - I'm thinking the payback for the Senator daring to lecture POTUS (notice I deliberately avoided reference to "bein' all uppity and shit") it prob'ly seemed like a good idea to fuck up the caption on Scott's big Photo Op. 

Remember - this thing comes out of a Communications Shop brimming with people who aren't on the short list for the NAACP awards.

Just sayin'.

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