Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, October 09, 2017

Ah, Football

Shit makes ya bold. And stoopid.

Bye, Coach.

Y'know, the NFL already has a pretty full plate. Substance dependencies, and juicing, and the slow-moving disaster of brain injury, and domestic abuse, and and and.

With all that, it seems like they're going outa their way looking for something to be cranky about. I wonder if that's part of the plan. Distraction and misdirection.

BTW - here's a DB/Special Teamer named Michael Thomas.

Thomas did the kneel-down thing for the whole season last year, and again in London when the Fins played the Titans a week or so ago(?). The picture in that tweet doesn't look like any of the troopers are taking exception to his actions.

Now Thomas says it's had the desired effect - people have heard the voices they needed to hear, and there's been some progress (in certain areas) towards some kind of solution - at least a start down that road.

“Everybody who sees what’s going to come out of it will see that it was never about actually protesting the flag, that it wasn’t about disrespecting our military, but it was about trying to bring light to the issues that are going on in our communities. … The league heard us, and it’s going to be good.”

Thomas has said he'll prob'ly stand from now on, but yesterday, he and a coupla mates stayed in the locker room during the anthem.

Anyway, the kicker is that 45* seems to think the protests are dying down, and so it's time for him to do The Daddy State Shuffle, where he tries to take credit for it. 

It becomes a variation on "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc" aka "False Cause".

Here's an illustration of the point (paraphrased from a comedy bit by Kearsarge and Landry, about 400 years ago, when I was a teenager):

1: So you're a farmer?
2: Sure 'nuff.
1: What crops do you raise?
2: Buck wheat and radishes.
1: You do pretty well with it?
2: Buck wheat's great, but them radishes - that's a dead loser.
1: So why do you grow radishes?
2: Got to - been plantin' them radishes for generations now.
1: But why?
2: Keep the wolverines away - can't have them wolverines on your land, y'know.
1: So you've got a wolverine problem down here in west Texas?
2: No, dummy - we got radishes. Ain't you listenin'?

So it works pretty well on people who prefer being intellectually lazy enough not to look past that false front.  And anyway, it rankles "the Libruls", so it's gotta be a good thing, right?

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