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Dec 20, 2017

Today's Blather

At first blush, we see 45* as having no real concept of putting thought to words, but what he's doing (trying to do) is basic spin.

He's a bad rookie salesman's idea of a Sales Pro. Just like he's a dumb guy's idea of a smart guy. Just like he's a shmendrik's idea of a mentsh.

So when he's asked about the Mueller investigation, and he says this:
"What we have found, and what they have found, after looking at this, really, scam, is they found tremendous — whatever you want to call it, you’re going to have to make up your own determination — but they’ve found tremendous things on the other side."
That's 45*'s attempt at a turnaround - taking a negative and rephrasing it as a positive.

He gets tangle up on some of simplest things. Here's 50 or 60 seconds of near-gibberish as he tries to answer a fairly simple question on TaxScam'17®:
"I think it's very important for the country to get a vote next week, not because we lost a seat, which we would've gotten a seat, a lot of Republicans feel differently they're very happy with the way it turned out, but I would've, as the leader of the party I would have liked to have had the seat, I wanna endorse the people that are running, but I will tell you that it's to me it's very very, just important to get this vote. Not because of that, but because of the, and I don't know what the vote will be, I don't what exactly the final, we have a margin now of two, plus our great vice president, so um, so I really think we're going to get a vote, but I will say it, we have to get more senators and congressmen that are Republicans elected in '18, and then you'll see a lot more of what we're doing right now."
He was asked how Roy Moore's loss to Doug Jones might affect his legislative agenda. All he had to say was, "We still have Big Luther, so we have the votes - or it looks like we do. We have a majority in congress, which is what every president wants of course - and we'll do even better when we get more Republicans in office in 2018."

The guy doesn't know jack shit. He doesn't have the intellectual horse power to organize his thoughts, and he doesn't have the mental discipline to keep even simple sales techniques straight - like the rule of 3s.

I'm the leader of the GOP
We're moving our agenda forward
Which gives us the momentum to get more Repubs in office by this time next year

Instead, he goes on a 175-word-safari to nowhere. Which points up why I know this clown to be a bad sales guy (aside from not knowing his fucking business).

Bad salesmen talk themselves out of the sale because they don't know their fundamentals, which always leads to not knowing when to shut the fuck up.

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