Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

It Just Doesn't Matter

Feeling a little Outrage Fatigue?

Remember one thing. Trumpsters want nothing more than to make "liberals" mad enough to cry.

That's it. That's the only thing on the list for a big bunch of 'em.

The GOP is the Party of Perpetual Trolling.

So when 45* does something like playing the fool during the anthem at a football game, and that makes you mad, and you freak out little - mission accomplished.

The trick, I guess, is to take it in as another example of why he's so thoroughly not a POTUS, without becoming inured to this shit (yeah - like normalizing)

We can stop spending ergs on trying to bring people around; to get them to understand how bad he is for all of us.  That's in the capable hands of Krystal Ball and the other reconcilers, who won't give up on dreams of unicorns and pixie farts (bless their hearts - no joke).

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