Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Follow The Smarm

Cult45* lives in the Smarm Space. I've talked about this before - it's that little gap between what you say you'll do and what you actually do. A bit more finely-pointed - and more suited to 45*: it's the space between what people heard you say (and tho't you meant) and what you plan on denying having said later on, if you need to bail on it.

"Jared and Ivanka are working at the White House for free".

I think 45* believes he can hide in that Smarm Space.  If Jared isn't getting paid for his work on behalf of the President, then how could he be working for the President when he's out doing these deals? That's the kinda shit that makes sense to these boneheads.

And besides, you people never made much of a squawk about that guy over at EPA who was moonlighting, did ya?  Why are you begrudging a guy who's just trying to make a living?

And also too - the Pace of Wacky has picked up a little. It could be that the perception of Mueller getting even closer is making Cult45* really antsy and so they're starting to get sloppy.

They've always been pretty brazen - hiding their shit in plain sight - but they seem to be rushing now.

One more: They need billions, and the people they're trying to put the bite on could turn out to be playing them really big - possibly to the point that the "foreigners" are part of Mueller's trap. And wouldn't that be cool AF?

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