Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Good Neighbor Sam

More smoke.
More mud in the water.
More confusion and chaos.

The point is to make people think there's no such thing as 'objective reality'. There are no 'facts'. Nobody's capable of either telling the truth, or knowing the truth when they hear it.
This part of the plan - at its core - is to make it look like there's no plan.
But there is a plan, and it's about Power & Money. Because there's always a plan, and it's always about power & money.
The closer Mueller gets to showing us the enormity of this crime, the bigger the spectacle has to be to keep us entertained.
The crime gets wider & deeper & bigger & uglier, so now it's Sam Nunberg's turn to go on national TV and set himself on fire for our amusement.

Are you not entertained.
WaPo, Aaron Blake:

Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg had a surreal day Monday. After deciding he wouldn't cooperate with a grand jury subpoena from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's Russia investigation, he went on a media blitz to, well, air some things. Each interview seemed intent upon out-shocking the last.

By the end, he had suggested that President Trump may have worked with the Russians, dared Mueller to throw him in jail, repeatedly inquired as to what journalists thought his fate might be, and said he thought Trump knew about that Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer. Nunberg did no fewer than three separate interviews with CNN, two with MSNBC and several others.

So what on earth was all that about? Below are some ideas. (And it bears noting that not all of these are mutually exclusive.)

It was an elaborate, Roger Stone-ian show

- and -

During Monday's interviews, Nunberg oscillated between saying Trump hadn't colluded and suggesting he might have had some arrangement with Russia. He at one point said Trump was too smart to fall victim to Russian blackmail, only to later say that Trump “caused this, because he’s an idiot.” He also said that “there is nobody who hates [Trump] more than me.”

“I'm not a Donald Trump fan, as I told you before, okay?” Nunberg told CNN. “He treated me like crap.”

Stay focused , and remember - the guy can say he's your enemy's enemy, but that don't make him your friend.

You want a friend? Buy a dog.

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