Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, March 09, 2018

This New Episode

... in what has already become a very old and very stale White House Reality Show.


For at least two decades, leaders in North Korea have been seeking a personal meeting with an American president.

Now, as a summit unexpectedly appears possible, analysts fear U.S. President Donald Trump’s understaffed administration may lack the expertise to successfully turn a political spectacle long sought by Pyongyang into a meaningful opportunity to convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear program.

South Korean officials said Friday Trump almost immediately agreed to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, without preconditions, by the end of May. Even proponents of a diplomatic approach towards North Korea worry the administration could be rushing into a summit with little time to prepare.

Such a summit - the first time sitting American and North Korean leaders have ever met - would typically happen after each side had made at least some concrete agreements, said Suzanne DiMaggio, a senior fellow at the New America think tank, who has engaged North Korean officials at unofficial discussions.

“It will have to be managed carefully with a great deal of prep work,” she said on Twitter. “Otherwise,
it runs the risk of being more spectacle than substance. Right now, Kim Jong Un is setting the agenda and the pace, and the Trump administration is reacting. The administration needs to move quickly to change this dynamic.”
It runs the risk of being all can and no beans? There's just a bit of a risk here?

One of the things you never ever do is lend your entire nation's standing and prestige to a 3rd rate tin-plated phony by jumping into negotiations with him - what the hell was Kim Jong Un thinking?

And oh yeah - I've asked you before, Press Poodles - please stop trying to report on Cult45*'s weird little shit show by gunning it all through your Presumption of Regularity filter.

There's nothing regular about this. There's nothing that's even real about anything this putz is doing.

So stop reporting on how different all this shit is, and start concentrating on how thoroughly fucked up it is.

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