Dec 15, 2018

On Dots And Lines

An awful lot of dots have been connected over the last several months, revealing the various pieces of the Trump/Russia machinery.

We're getting a better look at the scope of it, and with the Butina plea, now we know there's a solid link between the Kremlin and the GOP, running through the NRA.

So another big part of the framework is in place, and they've hung a big ol' chunk of flesh on it.

Simply put, there's all but solid proof that the NRA has been laundering Russian money and pouring it into our government's policy apparatus, as well as our elections, via (mostly) GOP politicians and their campaigns.

Don't assume I'm giving an asshole like 45* any props for being some kinda anti-hero, but in my brain right now, there are echoes of Butch & Sundance - the scene where Paul Newman is ranting about everything EH Harriman is doing to keep the Hole In The Wall Gang from robbing his trains. "If he'd pay me what he's spendin' to make me stop robbin' him, I'd stop robbin' him."

Since everything 45* does has everything to do with some kinda cash transaction, I can imagine him thinking all he really has to do is make a deal that gets him out of this.

When the Republicans finally manage to find their balls, and to tell him he has to go, I can hear him saying, "What's it worth to you for me to make this easier for everybody?"

"Pay me what it's costing you to make me stop being president, and I'll stop being president."

And a really interesting little wrinkle - like the shit that's falling on Michael Cohen's head, Maria Butina's case is not directly attached to the Mueller investigation. It goes wherever it goes; it exposes whatever it exposes; it links to whoever it links to - and Cult45 can't fuck with any of it.

And then -

Starting at about 01:25

So we don't know what all that secrecy at the DC Circuit Court was about today, but we kinda do know because we're not putting up dots so we can draw lines later. We don't have to do so much of that anymore - now we're adding more dots to the lines that are already drawn, making those lines stronger as we go.

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