Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, March 17, 2019

New Zealand


The alleged shooter seems to have wanted the world to see what he’d done: He apparently posted links on Facebook that connected to live video of the massacre from a camera mounted on his body. The video showed unspeakable slaughter as a gunman moved through the house of worship, saying nothing, shooting as many people as he could.

The manifesto indicates that he moved to New Zealand to stage his alleged attack, which he had been planning for two years. His aim, he said, was to defend “our lands” from “invaders,” to “reduce immigration rates” and to deepen division and start a civil war in the United States.

Tarrant, who described himself as “a regular white man, from a regular family,” said he did not hate foreigners or Muslims who lived in their “homelands.”

“I spent many years travelling through many, many nations,” he wrote. “I was treated wonderfully. . . . The varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion.”
But he said immigrants were “invaders . . . who colonize other peoples lands.”

And there it is, in that highlighted last line. We're talkin' Self-Loathing, which I think is always at the core of the kind of toxic Uber-Nationalistic chauvinism that inevitably leads to self-destruction.

He needs to rid his homeland of "the invaders", even if he has to scourge the place, burning the whole thing down to get it done.

The problem though, is that his adamant condemnation of "the invaders" - the colonizers - has to include himself. 

There are no white guys native to Australia or New Zealand.

And while he does mention it (“What is an Australian but a drunk European?”), if he fully acknowledges that he's part of the problem, then his whole project falls apart, and he's left with nothing but the feeling that he's failed to live up to his own expectations.

So he fights - making the noble stand - but what he's really trying to do is get himself killed so he no longer has to feel the pain of his disillusionment.

Or maybe he's just another asshole with a gun, caught in a twisted variation of Hero Syndrome.

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