Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Today's Quote

On The Mueller Report having been delivered to DOJ late yesterday:

Trump and his minions think they dodged a bullet. I have a notion — only a recurring thought — that Mueller delivered a bomb to AG Barr, who is now trying to figure out how to tell Trump in a way that doesn’t cause him to start World War III. Barr knows he works for a psycho.
-- John Dean

We'll see what we see. 

Cult45 is out in force making sure the rubes are primed to explode if there's anything that runs counter to the narrative - "No collusion, and it can't be about anything but collusion, and even it there's all kinds of other really bad shit we'll just keep our eyes closed and pretend the dirty libruls are up to no good and then we'll have a great excuse to start shooting people and blah blah blah."


  1. I hope there is something in that report, I really do. I also fear that you guys might have snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory and that depresses me, even as a Canadian.

  2. One day - and one step - at a time I guess.

  3. For what it's worth, most of the world is rooting for you.
