Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, April 15, 2019

Don't Get Fooled Again

There's a lot of hand-wringing going on in American media. There's a whiff of panic in the air - like maybe the bosses are sensing that the majority of us are finally coming to realize the standard Both Sides narrative they're constantly pushing is bullshit - that it's beginning to collapse - that the middle isn't holding.

The big squishy middle. Where all the profit is. The place they have to keep us if we're going to continue fighting each other in order to maintain a healthy bottom line for their corporate sponsors. Conservatives buy tampons and boner pills too, y'know.

We are divided, and we're being conquered.

And a quick Told-Ya-So plug: Driftglass and Blue Gal are looking more and more prophetic.

Republicans yell Willie Horton, and TrooperGate, and WMD, and Swift Boat, and Benghazi, and PizzaGate, and eMails - as loudly as they can. And it doesn't matter that none of it is true as long as it has the desired effect on election day.

Then Democrats yell, "They're lying. They're lying to you, and then stealing from you while you're busy rationalizing their lies".

And then the Press Poodles - often in the person of someone who's constantly being pimped as a "moderate" (eg: David brooks) - go to work to convince us that the only real problem is that everybody's yelling. If we'd all just stop being so polarized and tribal, we could solve these problems and blah blah blah.

And we're right back where we started. The big squishy middle.

And by the way, guys - always trying to make nice is a very well recognized failing of would-be peace-makers.

Like I said - maybe we're starting to wise up, and that means the Press Poodles will be working extra hard to keep us docile and out of the fight.

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