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Apr 12, 2019

Today's Eternal Sadness

Every year, more Americans are killed by grade-school kids with guns than are killed by illegal immigrants and Muslim terrorists combined.

Atlanta Journal Constitution:

A 6-year-old girl has died after being shot by her 4-year-old brother in Paulding County on Monday evening, authorities said.
The girl was identified as Millie Drew Kelly on a GoFundMe page set up to help with the family’s expenses.

The accidental shooting happened about 6 p.m. inside a car parked in the driveway of a home on Laurelcrest Lane in unincorporated Dallas, Paulding County sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Ashley Henson previously told AJC.com.

“They were all loaded up to leave the home and the car wouldn’t start,” Henson said. Their mother hopped out to find the source of the problem, and somehow the young boy got hold of a handgun, he said.

- and -

After speaking with the children’s mother, detectives believe the handgun was retrieved from the center console, and the 4-year-old accidentally discharged it. 

“Our hearts break for this family and we hope God puts his healing hands around them during this difficult time,” Sheriff Gary Gulledge said in a statement Thursday morning.

No charges will be filed.

We don't have an immigration problem. And we don't have a Muslim Terrorism problem.

We have a gun-violence problem - fueled by a hyper-macho culture that spouts bullshit rhetoric about killing our way out of our problems, and is happy to cash in on our misery by supplying us with the means of our own destruction.


  1. An unsecured gun, easily found by a toddler, another toddler dead and no charged will be filed. That is the problem in a gun culture.

    I spent a career around guns, boarding ships in a war zone. When I retired guns were left behind, swore never to touch one again.

    Enter Florida; visiting an American sailboat, turn around to see my wife handling a two shot 38 with dumdums and no trigger guard.

    I turned white, and using my thumb and forefinger took the gun from her, gave it back to the owner and had words about gun safety. His response was that he never had an incident with the 13 guns he had onboard his 38' boat. 13 guns!

    Mr. Ammo-sexual even goes fishing with a silenced handgun.

    I could not get us out of Florida fast enough. And no offense, but we'll not be setting foot in your country ever again until huge changes are made, and I am living in Guatemala right now!!!!

    1. No offense taken - it's not unreasonable to avoid strolling the crater of an active volcano.

    2. Hey, we are going to be visiting an actual live volcano in a month:)
