Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Shortage Of Fingers

The damn done sprung a right good many leaks.

45*'s little tantrum yesterday - "I won't do any work if you don't stop bothering me about that other stuff" - is very dim echo of his attempts to hold us all hostage (gov't shutdown) as he tried to force us into funding that stoopid wall.

He looked for something most of us want the feds to do, and decided to use it as leverage.

1) He had no intention of pushing for anything like major infrastructure projects.

2) He's showing himself to be clumsy as fuck in everything he does now - it's obvious there's no one left in the west wing to provide any kind of guidance. He just comes up with something weird, and yells about it until somebody responds positively and helps him expand on it and rationalize whatever knuckleheaded "plan" they put together on the spot.

It all started to go to go in the crapper when we decided the presidency should be demystified - that all we needed was a guy with an affinity for regular people and a little common sense.


I don't want a guy who's "just folks" - a guy I'd like to have a beer with - a simple guy who knows how to catch a fish and fix a leaky faucet in the kitchen.

We need that guy for a neighbor, but we can't keep thinking we should put that guy in the oval office.

We have to have an exceptional guy - an exceptional woman - somebody who knows how to hang with ordinary people certainly, but they also have to know their way around a major international confrontation that might involve nuclear fucking weapons.

Republicans keep giving us guys who shouldn't be in charge of renting paddle boats at City Park in Buttcrack Florida.  What the fuck are we doing?

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